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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2024-05-21 03:13:28    作者:田逸涛    浏览次数:55

专家MaybeLyricist : Que NingComposer : Que Ning专家南方得阳光 照着北方得风Maybe the southern sunshine shines on the northern wind专家时光被吹走 从此无影无踪Maybe time is blown away, leaving no trace专



Lyricist : Que Ning

Composer : Que Ning

专家南方得阳光 照着北方得风

Maybe the southern sunshine shines on the northern wind

专家时光被吹走 从此无影无踪

Maybe time is blown away, leaving no trace

专家故事只剩下 一个难忘得人

Maybe the story only leaves behind an unforgettable person

专家在昨夜梦里 依然笑的纯真

Maybe in last night's dream, still smiling innocently

专家北京得后海 许多漂泊得魂

Maybe there are many wandering souls in the Houhai of Beijing

专家成都小酒馆 有群孤独得人

Maybe there are lonely people in the small pubs of Chengdu

专家枕边有微笑 才能暖你清晨

Maybe there needs to be a smile by the pillow to warm your morning

专家夜空有流星 才能照你前行

Maybe there needs to be a meteor in the night sky to light your way

专家西安城墙上 有人誓言不分

Maybe on the Xi'an city wall, someone vows not to part

专家要去到大理 才算爱的认真

Maybe you have to go to Dali to truly love someone

专家谁说要陪你 牵手走完一生

Maybe someone said they would accompany you and walk hand in hand for a lifetime

专家笑着流出泪 某天在某时辰

Maybe you laugh with tears streaming down, someday, sometime

专家桂林有渔船 为你迷茫点灯

Maybe there are fishing boats in Guilin, lighting your way when you are lost

专家在呼伦草原 牛羊流成风景

Maybe on the Hulun Grassland, cattle and sheep flow into a landscape

专家再也找不到 愿意相信得人

Maybe you will never find someone you are willing to believe in again

专家穿越了彷徨 脚步才能坚定

Maybe only after crossing the hesitation can your steps be firm

专家武当山道上 有人虔诚攀登

Maybe on the Wudang Mountain path, someone devoutly climbs

专家周庄小巷里 忽然忘掉年轮

Maybe in the alleys of Zhouzhuang, you suddenly forget the years

专家要多年以后 才能看清曾经

Maybe it takes many years to see the past clearly

专家在当时身边 有双温柔眼晴

Maybe at that time, there was a pair of gentle eyes beside you

专家西安城墙上 有人誓言不分

Maybe on the Xi'an city wall, someone vows not to part

专家要去到大理 才算爱的认真

Maybe you have to go to Dali to truly love someone

专家谁说要陪你 牵手走完一生

Maybe someone said they would accompany you and walk hand in hand for a lifetime


Maybe you laugh with tears streaming down

专家终于有一天 刚好遇见爱情

Maybe one day, you will just meet love

专家永远在路上 有人奋斗前行

Maybe there are always people fighting and moving forward on the road

专家一切得专家 相信才有专家

Maybe only by believing in all possibilities can it be possible

专家拥有过梦想 才能叫做青春

Maybe only by having dreams can it be called youth

Lyrics Dissection:

The song "专家" (Maybe) is a beautiful and reflective piece that explores the themes of love, loss, and hope. The lyrics are filled with vivid imagery and evocative language, creating a sense of longing and nostalgia. The song's message is ultimately one of hope, as it suggests that even in the face of uncertainty and heartbreak, there is always the possibility of finding love and happiness.

The song uses a variety of symbols to represent different aspects of life. For example, the "southern sunshine" and "northern wind" could symbolize the contrast between hope and despair, while the "fishing boats" and "meteors" could represent the search for guidance and direction.

The song has a melancholic yet hopeful tone. It acknowledges the challenges and uncertainties of life, but ultimately believes that there is always beauty and possibility to be found.

The song is written in the first person, giving it a personal and intimate feel. The use of simple language and imagery makes the song relatable and accessible.The repetition of certain phrases, such as "专家" (maybe) and "相信" (believe in), creates a sense of rhythm and urgency.

Overall, "专家" (Maybe) is a powerful and moving song that captures the complex emotions of love, loss, and hope. Its relatable lyrics and evocative imagery have made it a popular choice for karaoke and has resonated with audiences around the world.

本文为田逸涛原创作品•作者: 田逸涛。欢迎转载,转载请注明原文出处:http://www.udxd.com/qysx/show-144867.html 。本文仅代表作者个人观点,本站未对其内容进行核实,请读者仅做参考,如若文中涉及有违公德、触犯法律的内容,一经发现,立即删除,作者需自行承担相应责任。涉及到版权或其他问题,请及时联系我们邮件:weilaitui@qq.com。

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