答案在The Economist November 5th 2022 Business “Technology --- Bad tech” 这篇文章得倒数第壹段可以找到。
The Economist November 5th 2022 Business
in good nick/in bad nick
nick n.(尤指健康)状况
The car really is in excellent nick.
The different business models do not face an equal balance of challenges. The movers would be in better nick if the industry had meaningful barriers to entry. The streamers might have been able to bat away new entrants if network effects had been stronger. And the creepers were in reasonable shape until Apple and Alphabet spoiled their party. One shaky pillar is problematic enough. Three of them is a disaster waiting to happen.
In particular, three business models embraced by firms born after the dotcom crash of 2001—and subsequently by investors—are losing steam: the movers (which shuttle people or things around cities), the streamers (which offer music and TV online) and the creepers (which make money by watching their users and selling eerily well-targeted ads).